Who was Camillus? | |
![]() Camillus de Lellis' death-mask Camillus de Lellis Camillus de Lellis
(1550-1614) was a soldier of profession. Descent
from the rough provence called Abruzzen on the east side of Rome,
fighting in wars was all he knew and all he wanted. Due to a severe wound on his foot which didn’t heal, he ended up in a
Hospital for the chronically ill in Rome. The healthcare in this hopital
was in a deplorable state, patients were left abandoned and prisoners
from a nearby prison serving a community service and
those patients who were able to walk took care for those who
couln’t. Camillus wasn’t in the mood for helping others out, he was disgusted by
their swores and odeur. He felt more like gambling, drinking, chasing
women and playing
cards. Due to his lack of compassion towars others he was send away and had to
start begging for food or money. This excistence like a bagger was
nothing to him but as a proud soldier he had never learned any labor
skills. On the 2nd of februari 1572 Camillus dicided to
return to Rome. On his was a total conversion overcame him. He returned
to the hospital of St James, and willingly started taking care for other
patients. A 180% conversion to who he was before. A new sound of releave
and a breeze of fresh air blew through the hospitalwards, which were
crowded with patients. After a short while this former gambler and
bagger became the warden of this hospital, and he was left in charge of the
daily business of the hospital. Camillus exsample was inspiring for many. More and more people wanted to
be involved and started helping out in caring for the sick, praying or
donating money. Some of them wanted to dedicate their lives to the
sick, the poor and the needy, just like Camillus. Together they started the congregation
“servants of the sick”. Together they populated the hospitals of Rome
and worked in peoples homes. The whole population of Rome adored
Camillus aspeccialy the poor and the sick. He was some sort of hero to
them. His peacefull revolution in healthcare spread first through Rome
but later trhough the whole of Italy. St. Camillus’ message of recentless presence in a suffering world is
still the message today becouse of the so called ‘business aproach’
of the healt systems. |